How Oshima-Tsumugi is made

Oshima Tsumugi is textile for Kimono. Its origin is not known,but it was
in document in 1720 for the first time. The material is made from the finest silk.
it is light and warm. It doesn't acquire wrinkles and is easy to wear, therefore it is loved by many Japanese women.
The unique process of production is very famous.Though Japan is an industrialized country,
each step in the production is performed by hand.
Firstly, the designs and petterns need to be written on graph paper by dots, 1700 silk worms are needed in order to make one Kimono. However, one Kimono weights only 450 grams.
Secondly, silk threads are starched and dried with glue made from seaweed. Then, the first weaving procces binds these threads to cotton.
Thirdly, a special kind of local tree is boiled in a big pot for
14 hours.
The binding threads are dyed in this 30 or 40 times until they turn dark red. Next, the threads are dyed with mud from local rice fields. This process called"DOROZOME"
Eventually, the threads turn black. This is the most important part of the production
process, because the local tree contains tannic acid. It takes one month
to weave 12 meters of fabric for a kimono.
Recently we are direct our attention to use this textile for dresses, tapestries, tablemats,
bedcover, and curtains. The fabric is soft, silky, and has sheen.
furthermore,you can use both faces.